Additional Pages that are related directly to me:
My Webmaster's Corner
School & Technical Training
Playtime: The "World Command Center"
I Spent 14 Years in the US Air Force as a Ground Radio Technician
Separated Jan 20, 2006 at Rank E-5 (SSgt) after 14 years service.
(I'm considering training into computer networking since I enjoy & use it anyway)
During my career I maintained Air Traffic Communications consoles, a few Aircraft
UHF/VHF radios, Fixed UHF/VHF radios, & Mobile UHF/VHF radios.
Also, I have been in Frequency management & LMR Management, gaining experience
w/ Smartnet II trunking, conventional, & repeated conventional systems, as well
as done some Paging, Cellular, video security & surveillence, and Cable TV contract
management, as well as some time in Maintenance Support (QC & QA).
I have also gained some tactical communications experience, and completed a
Noncommissioned Officer course in professionalism & military doctrine course known
as Airman Leadership School. (ALS)
I enjoy socialization with friends, recreational skating (Blades, Quads, & Skateboarding), Playing drums, & Playing on the internet. I certainly know enough about the internet & webmastering to be easily made useful. I just need the right opportunity I guess to really utilize what I know in a lot of ways. Also I've also been inclined to a lot of tinkering with vintage computer hardware, networks, and filesystems. I also regularly do upgrades & improvements & cross platform projects, though I find it much more economical to stay behind the power curve, and because I am not a "gamer" I do not need the latest & greatest in computer & network hardware, but I shure have a lot of it!
The World Command Center now has Radio and LAN communications!
Now I'm really off my rocker! (As if I wasn't already)

Last edited: MAY 12, 2006
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