NEW! A-Max Disks & Files
Useful Utilities on the Aminet:
FastAMax1.3.lha ( Converts A-Max Apple ROMS to a ROM file - A-Max 2.5 / Cartrige) Fast_A-Max_2.5.lha ( Converts Apple ROMS to a ROM file - A-Max 1.0 or 2.0 w/Cart) AMax-drivers.lha (supradirect.amhd plus docs) PiHaFuzz: Removes flicker by anti-aliasing display (Fuzz=A-Max 2.0x / Fuzz2=A-Max 2.5). A-MaxUtilsV1.1.sea contains: DiskParam, Pointing Device, FUZZ, MountImage, EpsonDriver, PopChar, FlashIt, SuperClock, init cdev, Moire, PICTuresque, Mac+ Memory Map, System Errors, FastFormatter, DiskDup+, ICON designer, Anonymity, Big Brother, Solitaire (This is a compilation and not distributed by Readysoft)READ MORE ABOUT THEM ON AMINET:
A-Max Utils Readme Fast A-Max 1.3 Readme Fast A-Max 2.5 Readme A-Max drivers Readme Fuzz Readme CrossMac Demo Readme MaxDOS 2.5 Demo Readme TO DOWNLOAD THEM: A-Max Utils V1.1 Fast A-Max 1.3 Fast A-Max 2.5 A-Max drivers Fuzz CrossMac Demo MaxDOS 2.5 Demo
Links to OS disk files appear to have disappeared from Apple support... So... Try ------ Files to find Of Interest to A-Max Users ------ (SCSI) Apple_CD-ROM_5.0.4.sea.hqx 62092 CD-ROM_Software_5.1.7.sea.hqx 619841 ISO_9660_File_Access_5.0.2.sea.hqx 24632 /Utilities/ Disk_Copy_4.2.sea.hqx Disk_Image_Mounter_1.0.1.sea.hqx Document_Converter_1.0.4.sea.hqx Disk_First_Aid_7.2.2.sea.hqx Apple_HD_SC_Setup_7.3.5.sea.hqx Apple_System_Profiler_1.0.1.sea.hqx SCSIProbe.hqx ResEdit_2.1.3.sea.hqx Internal_HD_Format_1.3.sea.hqx
I may consider adding the images to this site as well as potential images for booting legacy Apple OS due to difficulty of doing it the old way...
Check for OS related questions. :-)