This is the original A-Max manual for version 1.0 (1989)
This version optimized for quick searching (Try CTRL-F)
Includes hyperlinks to main sections


The Macintosh(R) emulator for your Amiga(R)

Version 1.0 ReadySoft, Inc
30 Wertheim Court, Unit 2
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Canada, L4B 1B9
(416) 731-4175

The A-Max program, utilities, user's guide and cartridge are
copyright (c) 1989 ReadySoft Inc., all rights reserved.
ReadySoft Inc. grants the purchaser the right to make a backup copy
of the A-max disks for his/her archival purposes only.

Use of Software Licensed to Others
You acknowledge that the use of A-max II requires the use of
software which is the property of others, including Apple Computer,
Inc. The use of A-Max II will require you to procure the right to
use such software from Apple Computer, Inc. and/or other authorized
parties. Your failure to lawfully procure the right to use such
software may be a violation of law, including the copyright laws.
ReadySoft Inc. makes no representations concerning the availability
or cost of obtaining such rights.

Although ReadySoft Inc. believes this program performs the
functions described in this guide, the program is provided as is
without performance warranties of any kind, either expressed or
implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire
risk as to the quality and performance of this program is with you.
ReadySoft Inc. isn't responsible for any damage to your computer
resulting from the installation, use, or misuse, of the A-Max II
cartridge. ReadySoft Inc. does not guarantee that A-max II will run
all Macintosh programs, or run them at full speed.

Limited Warranty
ReadySoft Inc. warrants the magnetic media and cartridge from
manufacturing defects for a period of 90 days from the date of
purchase. Should either fail in the course of normal use within
this 90 day period, ReadySoft Inc. will replace the disk(s) and/or
cartridge. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to bear the
cost of shipping these items to ReadySoft Inc. and to provide proof
of purchase verifying the purchase is within the 90 day warranty

Items beyond warranty
If the disks or cartridge fail beyond the warranty period, disks
will be recopied/replaced for $13 U.S. (including shipping) and the
cartridge will be replaced for $25 U.S. (including shipping). When
sending goods back to ReadySoft for repair from outside Canada,
please mark the outside of the package "Defective Canadian goods
being returned for repair."

Apple, and the Apple logo, AppleTalk, ImageWriter, LaserWriter,
Mac, Macintosh, and MacTerminal are registered trademarks and
Finder, MultiFinder, and Switcher are trademarks of Apple Computer,
Inc. Amiga is a registered trademark of Commodore-Amiga, Inc. Atari
and ST are registered trademarks of Atari US, Corp. PostScript is
a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. Epson is a registered
trademark of Seiko Epson Corporation. Magic Sac is a trademark of
Data Pacific, Inc. Spectre is a trademark of Gadgets by Small.
A-Max is a trademark of ReadySoft, Inc.


Table of Contents

Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Installing A-Max  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
   Making Backups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
   ROM Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
   Connecting an Apple 800K external drive  . . . . . . . . . . . 3
   Installing the cartridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
   Transferring the first system disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
   Startup Program  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
   Hard drive installation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Startup Preferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
   Video options  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
   Memory options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
   Serial/Parallel and Imagewriter emulation options  . . . . . . 8
   Save and Go A-Max  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
   The Mac Boot screen  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
A-Max Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   Keyboard differences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   Disk eject . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   Finder shutdown  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   Mouse buttons  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   Disk Drives  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   Sound  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   The A-Max RAM disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   Time Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
System Disks . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
Expansion Memory . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
Apple's Filing Systems - HFS and MFS .  . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
Mac Disk Transfer Software  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   Mini Transfer Disks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   Full Disk Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
AmigaDOS File Transfer Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
Downloading Software  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
Printers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
   Apple ImageWriter  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
   Epson compatible 9 & 24 pin dot matrix . . . . . . . . . . .  23
   Apple LaserWriter and other PostScript laser printers  . . .  24
   Other printers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
Hardware Modification for A500/A2000  [ECS upgrade] . . . . . .  25
Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28



A-Max is a hardware and a software combination that allows
Macintosh software to run on any Amiga model with any amount of
memory installed.  The Amiga offers several advantages over the
Macintosh in that it has a higher resolution, faster processor
than the Mac and Mac Plus, and allows for more RAM.  An Amiga
system with A-Max lets you run all the Amiga's software as well
as giving you access to most of the productivity software that
has made the Mac a success.

This manual will tell you how to use the A-Max system and point
out the differences between an Amiga with A-Max and a Macintosh. 
It is assumed that you are familiar with the Macintosh system and
know how to use the Mac applications you want to run.  You should
read this manual in its entirity before starting to use A-Max.

Your A-Max package should contain:
   The A-Max cartridge
   One disk labelled "A-Max Program Disk"
   One disk labelled "A-Max Utilities" [MTD 4 Utils on A-Max part, 5 on Mac part]
   This manual
   An A-Max registration card

It is very important that you complete and mail the registration
card back to us.  As well as giving you a 90 day warranty, this
card is the only way we can inform you of product upgrades and
other information regarding A-Max.  Send your card now.

The A-Max Program disk contains a file "ReadMe" that has
information that was unavailable at the time this manual went to
print.  After reading the manual, you should read this file for
any updates and corrections.

In order to use A-Max, you must supply:

   Apple 64K or 128K boot ROMs.  These come as a set of two 28
     pin chips from an original Mac (64K ROMs), a Mac 512Ke (128K
     ROMs) or a Mac Plus (128K ROMs).  It is preferable to use
     128K ROMs with A-Max rather than the older 64K ROMs.  The
     128K ROMs have several advantages over the 64K ROMs in that
     they contain the newer Mac HFS disk filing system, they run


     and they run more of the newer software and system disks. 
     Note also that if you have a non-68000 processor in your Amiga    
     (such as a 68010/20/30 processor in an accelerator board), you
     will require the 128K ROMs as the 64K ROMs are not
     compatible with these more advanced processors.

     A Macintosh system disk in either A-Max, Magic Sac, or Mac
     format (see Section 3 for information on what you will need
     in the way of Apple system software).  If the disk is in Mac
     format an you don't have a Mac disk drive, you will need to
     transfer the disk using the Disk Transfer software as
     described in section 1.5 before you can make use of it. 
     Often you will find that Mac application disks have System
     and Finder files already on them.

     The Mac applications and data you want to run, again, in 
     A-Max, Magic Sac or Mac format (if you have a Mac drive).

You may also want:

   An Apple 800K external disk drive.  This will enable you to
     use Mac format disks directly under A-Max without having to
     first transfer them to A-Max format.  It also allows you to
     format and write Mac format disks so you can transfer data
     back to the Macintosh.

                       1. INSTALLING A-MAX

1.1 Making Backups

The first thing you should do is make a backup copy of the "A-Max
Program Disk."  This disk is not copy-protected so it can be
backed up with the Amiga Workbench "Duplicate" menu command, the
CLI "Diskcopy" command, or any Amiga backup utility.

The "A-Max Utilities" disk is not copy-protected.  However it is
in a special format that has two partitions - one is read by a
Mac in an Apple drive, and the other by A-Max in an Amiga drive. 
This allows the same disk to hold programs for two machines at
once.  The A-Max half has the "Disk Receive" program and the A-
Max "File Transfer" program; the Mac half has the "Disk Transfer"
program.  You should backup the A-Max half of the utilities disk
once you get A-Max up and running with a system disk.  The Mac
half can be backed up by reading files off it onto a Macintosh
(or with A-Max and an Apple external drive).


ReadySoft supplies A-Max without copy-protection for your
convenience so please take care not to lend, give or otherwise
distribute this program to anyone.  Remember that software piracy
discourages development of new products and upgrades.

1.2 ROM Installation

There are several revisions of both the 64K and 128K ROMs but all
revisions will function equally well.  The 64K ROMs are Apple
part numbers 342-0220-X and 342-0221-X and the 128K ROMs are
Apple part numbers 342-0341-X and 342-0341-X where X is the
revision letter.  Often the set of two chips will have different
revision letters but always keep the two as a set - don't try to
match the revision letters.

Your two Mac ROM chips must be inserted into the sockets on the
A-Max cartridge.  To do this you must first remove the top off
the A-Max case.  When the case is open, you will see a circuit
board with several small chips and two large 28 pin IC sockets. 
Insert the two ROM chips into the sockets (either chip in either
socket - the order doesn't matter) with the U notch of each chip
pointing in the same direction as all the other smaller chips on
the board.

To insert each chip, start with one row of pins resting lightly
in their sockets then start the second row and finally push the
whole chip firmly into its socket.  If the chip is very hard to
push in all the way, check that no pins are bent up underneath
the chip.  If there are, straighten them out and try again.

When both the ROM chips have been socketed, hold the board so
that the "A-MAX (c) 1989 ReadySoft" text is the right way up and
check that the notches of the chips pint up and that no pins are
bent up.  Put the top back on the case.

1.3 Connecting an Apple 800K external drive

If you have an Apple 800K external disk drive, you can make use
of it with A-Max to read, write and format Mac format disks


ly.  Note that the older single-sided (400K) Apple drives won't
work with A-Max, they will simply be ignored.

With the Amiga's power off, plug the connector of the Apple drive
into the 19-pin socket on the side of the A-Max cartridge.  Once
installed, you can leave the Apple drive plugged in at all times
as it will not affect the Amiga when it is running normally
(without A-Max).

Additional Amiga drives can be plugged into the 23 pin connector
at the end of the A-Max cartridge.

We cannot guarantee that all third party Mac compatible drives
will function with A-Max.  It has been our experience that Apple
manufactured drives work better than third party drives.

1.4 Installing the Cartridge

WARNING: Always turn off the Amiga before connecting or
disconnecting the A-Max cartridge, or plugging in an Apple or
Amiga drive.

With the ROMs in place, you can now connect the cartridge to the
Amiga.  The cartridge can either be plugged into the back of the
last external Amiga drive or into the external disk drive port on
the Amiga itself.  If you will be connecting it to the Amiga, you
should insert the support legs into the end of the cartridge.  If
you have an A500, the cartridge will sit at the same level as the
computer and will not require legs.  If you have an A1000, insert
both of the legs into the holes in the bottom of the cartridge
case.  If you have an A2000, snap the legs at the point where
there is an indention then insert the shorter legs into the case.

Although it is probably more convenient to have the cartridge
plugged into the back of an external drive, some disk drives will
not allow this as they do not pass power through to their rear
connector.  If the A-Max software does not recognize the
cartridge when it is plugged in through the back of an Amiga
drive, you will have to plug the cartridge directly into the
Amiga's disk drive port and plug the external drive into the
cartridge's pass through connector.


Once the cartridge is plugged in, it may be left connected as it
will not interfere with the normal operation of the Amiga.  The
cartridge will not become active until you run the A-Max startup
program.  Remember that the Amiga can only handle a maximum of
four disk drives and with the A-Max cartridge installed you can
have up to three Amiga drives and one Apple drive.  Also, any
Amiga drive conncected through the A-Max cartridge will become
one drive number higher than it was when directly connected to
the Amiga (ie. DF1: will become DF2: but DF0: will always remain

An A-Max Extender cable is available from ReadySoft for $24.95
plus $4.00 shipping and handling.  This cable allows you to place
your A-Max cartridge in a more convenient position, away from the
back of your Amiga.

1.5 Transferring the first System Disk

If you have an Apple external drive you can skip this section as
you can use your Mac format system disk directly in the Apple
drive.  Likewise, if you have a system disk already in A-Max or
Magic Sac/Spectre format, you can use that disk directly in an
Amiga drive and have no need to transfer the system software. 
Otherwise you must transfer your first system disk from Macintosh
to A-Max format before A-Max can be used.  This is necessary
because the Macintosh uses variable speed disk drives while the
Amiga uses constant speed drives making Mac format disks
unreadable on Amiga drives.

To perform the transfer you must use the Macintosh Disk Transfer
program supplied on the "A-Max Utilities" disk to make a Mini
Transfer Disk that contains the System, Finder and other files
that make up your system disk.  As Mini Transfer Disks have a
capacity of 272K, you may need to use a slightly older system
version (eg. version 3.2) in order to fit the necessary files
onto the disk.  If you have one of the newer systems that won't
fit into the 272K of a Mini Transfer Disk, use the FONT/DA MOVER
program on the Macintosh before transferring the system files to
remove the fonts and desk accessories that you will not require
from the System file,


making the system files small enough to fit into 272K.  See
Section 4 for information on the Disk Transfer program.

1.6 Startup Program

The "A-Max Program Disk" contains the "A-Max Startup" program on
an Amiga Workbench disk.  Boot this disk by inserting it into the
internal drive at the Workbench prompt (Amiga 1000 owners will
have to Kickstart their machine first if necessary).  When
Workbench has finished loading, open the disk icon and click the
"A-Max Startup" icon in the A-Max drawer to start the program. 
You will be taken to the A-Max Preferences window.

1.7 Hard Drive Installation

The A-Max startup disk is not copy-protected so it can be
installed on a hard disk by dragging all the files in the A-Max
folder to your hard drive icon.

From the CLI, you can copy A-Max with commands similar to the
following (assuming your hard drive is DH1:):

makedir dh1:A-Max

copy a-max:a-max to dh1:a-max all

Amiga 1000 owners: If you wish to use your Kickstart RAM with A-
Max (see Startup Preferences below), you must boot from the "A-
Max Program Disk."  This disk has a non-standard boot block that
is necessary to utilize the Kickstart RAM with A-Max.  It is
advisable to keep your disk write-protected at all times to avoid
viruses which, should they infect the A-Max startup disk, will
not allow the additional Kickstart RAM to be accessed.  If your
boot block becomes corrupted, you can use the "FixBootBlock"
command in the C directory of the A-Max Program Disk to rewrite
the correct boot block.

Please note that when A-Max is running, you will not be able to
access your hard drive from Macintosh applications.  This may be
addressed in future versions.


                    2. STARTUP PREFERENCES

The startup preferences window allows you to set the various
options that A-Max provides.  Saving these options allows you to
set the default confiuration A-Max uses.

2.1 Video Options

The buttons "Screen Height" and "Screen Width" control the
dimensions of the screen you will be using.  "Mac" width and
height are 512 and 342 pixels, respectively, which are in some
cases more compatible with certain software (typically games). 
"Wide" screens are 640 pixels across, and "High" screens are 400
(or 512 on PAL machines) pixels high.

The "Video Mode" button controls how the Mac screen is displayed. 
"Interlaced" allows the entire screen to be displayed, but will
cause flickering on most monitors.  "ECS" allows up to 480 lines
to be displayed flicker-free on the screen if you have
Commodore's new Extended Chip Set installed in your Amiga and an
appropriate monitor.  "ECS lace" displays a 960 line interlaced
screen. "A2024", enables the 1008x800 video mode for the
Commodore A2024 (or Viking Moniterm) full page monitor.

The remaining video mode options control how A-Max will display a
non-interlaced screen.  "Slow Scroll" and "Fast Scroll: smoothly
scroll the screen according to the position of the mouse pointer. 
"Paged" will swap which portion of the screen is displayed as the
mouse pointer moves from one half of the screen to the other. 
When using this mode, press the right mouse button to display the
opposite (undisplayed) half of the screen.

The "Colors' button specifies which two colors A-Max will use for
the Mac display.  "Default" will give you the default A-Max
colors.  "System" will cause the first two current Workbench
colors (as set with the Amiga's Preferences program) to be used
for A-Max's foreground and background colors, repectively.  To
set the Workbench colors, double-click on the Preferences icon on
A-Max Program Disk before loading the A-Max Startup.  Once the
colors have been selected, click on the Preference's "Save"
option to store your color selections on disk.


2.2 Memory Options

The "Memory Mode" button allows you to control what size
Macintosh you wish to emulate.  "No Expansion" will use only the
amount of contiguous memory beginning a location zero (typically
512K).  "No $C00000" will use all memory below $C00000 (this
option will disable the second 512K of memory in A2000s and 1Mb
A500s).  "User Defined" allows you to select the amount of memory
to be used during Mac emulation.  To change the amount of memory
selected, click on the box containing the current memory
selection.  Any RAM not selected here will be assigned to A-Max's
bootable RAM disk.

The "Use Kickstart RAM" button allows Amiga 1000 owners to use
their extra 256K of RAM with A-Max to increase the amount of
memory available during Mac emulation.  The only disadvantage in
using this memory is that you will have to reload Kickstart when
you want to return to AmigaDOS.

See section 5 for information on using expansion memory with A-

2.3 Serial/Parallel and Imagewriter Emulation Options

The Macintosh has two serial ports and no parallel port: one port
is known as the "modem" port and the other as the "printer port". 
There are two buttons for each port to control how they are

The "Port" button controls whether the output for that Mac serial
port comes out of the Amiga's parallel or serial ports.  The
usual choice is to have the Mac's modem port (Port A) data coming
out of the Amiga's serial port, and the Mac's printer port (Port
B) data coming out of the Amiga's parallel port.  If you have a
serial printer connected to your Amiga, you'll want to set the
Port B (printer) output to the Amiga serial port.  Serial
transmission rates are restricted to between 110 and 19200 baud. 
Also, some Mac applications can optionally send printer output
through the Mac modem port (Port A), so sometimes you may want to
control the port A output.


The second button controls what sort of printer emulation happens
with each port's output.  "None" means that port's output is
passed through unchanged.  This option is usually used with
serial (eg. telecommunications) output or with an Apple
ImageWriter or LaserWriter connected to the Amiga.  The
remaining options enable emulation of the Apple Imagewriter
printer if you have an Epson compatible 9 or 24 pin dot matrix
printer connected to your Amiga.  See section 8 for information
on ImageWriter emulation and which option you should use.

2.4 Save and Go A-Max

The "Save" button will save your selected configuration to a file
in your current directory so that the next time you run A-Max the
same options will automatically be selected.

Clicking the "Go A-Max" button (or simply pressing RETURN) will
start the A-Max boot process.  Information will be read from the
current directory then the Mac ROMs and A-Max cartridge will be
checked.  If all is well, you will be prompted to press RETURN,
and after a few seconds you will see the Mac boot screen.

If A-Max cannot startup, you will get an error message stating
the problem.  If you get a cartridge error, make sure the ROMs
and cartridge are installed as outlined in section 1.

2.5  The Mac Boot Screen

Thirty seconds or so after clicking the "Go Mac" button, the Mac
screen will appear with a picture of a disk with a flashing
question mark - this is the Mac asking you to insert a startup
disk.  The Mac can accept a startup disk in any drive, not just
the internal drive like AmigaDOS.  If you have an Apple drive
connected to the A-Max cartridge, you can simply place a Mac
format system disk in that drive.  Otherwise, you should put an
A-Max, Magic Sac/Spectre, or Mini Transfer disk with a system on
it in an Amiga drive.

When you insert a disk in any drive, A-Max will try to startup
from it.  If the disk contains the necessary files, you will get
a happy Mac picture and then the "Welcome to Macintosh" window. 
If not, A-Max will probably reject the disk and display a
flashing "X", indicating that you should try another disk.

If you attempted to boot an HFS format disk (see page 18) with
the 64K ROM you will get a black screen and a sad Mac picture -
click the right mouse button to restart.  The 64K ROM can boot
only from MFS disks.

Also note that with the 128K ROM, when the Mac boot screen is
displayed, the right mouse button may be held down to allow
certain A-Max preferences to be changed.  This may be more
convenient than rebooting your system to make adjustments to your
current configuration.  Any changes made to the A-Max preferences
by this method cannot be saved back to disk and will not be
remembered when you reset to AmigaDOS (they will be remembered
when you restart A-Max).

If you have the 64K ROM, hold the right mouse button when
inserting the system disk.  After the "Happy Mac" has been
displayed for several seconds, the A-Max preferences will appear
and can be changed as above.

                       3. A-MAX OPERATIONS

This section outlines A-Max features and differences from a
standard Macintosh.

3.1 Keyboard Differences

A-Max emulates the Macintosh Plus keyboard which has a numeric
keypad and arrow keys.  There are three keys on the Plus keyboard
that are not on the Amiga's; the key equivalents follow:

Command (clover leaf)..........either Amiga key

Option               ..........either Alt key

Clear                ..........Del key


Otherwise, ecah Mac key is represented on the Amiga keyboard. 
The Mac "Key Caps" desk accessory will allow you to verify the
keyboard mapping.

For programmers, the Macintosh interrupt switch can be simulated
by typing shift-escape on the Amiga keyboard.

Note that the 64K ROM does not directly support the arrow keys,
however many applications will recognize them even when running
under the 64K ROM.

3.2 Disk Eject

Macintosh disk drives differ from most others, including the
Amiga, in that they do not allow the user to eject disks upon
demand as there is no eject button; rather, the Mac will eject a
disk by itself on request by the user through the software. 
Although Amiga drives allow you to eject disks at any time, you
should NEVER do so with A-Max unless A-Max is allowing you to. 
Failing to abide by this rule could cause your disk to become
corrupted.  The reason for this is that the Mac system, knowing
you can't eject the disk, doesn't necessarily update directories
or files immediately but rather waits until it must (ie. needs
the memory or the disk is being requested to be ejected).

A-Max indicates that an Amiga drive is ready to be ejected by
displaying its drive number in the right hand side of the menu
bar.  Drives are numbered from '1' to '4', with drive 1 being the
internal Amiga DF0: other connected drives being numbered
similarly 2-4.  The Apple external 800K drive functions as it
does normally on the Mac - disks are ejected by the drive (ie.
there is no screen prompt to eject disks from an Apple drive).

If you eject a disk from an Amiga drive without A-Max displaying
the appropriate drive number, A-Max will detect this and FLASH
the drive number on the menu bar.  Should this happen, you should
immediately replace the ejected disk back in the drive, which
will clear the flashing prompt.

There are several ways to request a disk to be ejected on the


*   When the Finder (Apple's desktop program) is running, you
     can eject a disk by selecting it's icon and using the File
     menu command 'Eject', or Amiga-E from the keyboard.

*   When an application is requesting a filename the dialog box
     will usually have an "Eject" button to eject the current

*   Often the command-shift-1 and command-shift-2 keyboard
     sequences will eject the disks in drives 1 and 2. 
     Unfortunately, this option is unavailable for drives 3 and 4
     as the Mac normally can only have a maximum of two drives.

*   The supplied "Shutdown" program will eject all disks before
     rebooting.  If the Finder Shutdown menu option is available
     on your system disk, it will eject all disks also.  See the
     nect section before using the Shutdown menu command.


3.3 Finder Shutdown

All versions of the Finder have a menu command called "Shutdown"
under the "Special" heading.  On Finder versions 5.3 or less,
this option will crash your Amiga (control-Amiga-Amiga to reset
out of this; you will then have to restart A-Max).  Finder
versions 5.4 and higher have two options, "Restart" and
"Shutdown."  With these newer versions of the Finder, the
"Shutdown" option WILL work with A-Max (you'll get a black screen
with a message saying it is safe to turn off your machine.  Click
"Restart" to reboot).  Don't use the "Restart" MENU option; it
will crash your machine as before.

If the "Shutdown" option on your system disk will not work, you
can use the "Shutdown" program supplied on the "A-Max Utilities"
disk to restart A-Max.  The program is small enough to copy onto
all your system disks for convenience. 

3.4 Mouse Buttons

The Mac has a single button mouse, so the Amiga's right mouse
button is unused when running A-Max.  An exception to this is the

selection of A-Max preferences when A-Max is waiting for a
startup disk.

3.5 Disk Drives

A-Max will allow the use of any 3.5" drives connected to your
Amiga, incliding an Apple 800K drive connected to the back of the
A-Max cartridge.  A-Max will allow you to use the following
formats in standard Amiga 3.5" drives:

*   A-Max format: read, write, and format.

*   Magic Sac/Spectre 128 format; read only. (Magic Sac and
     Spectre are Atari ST Mac emulators).

*   Mini Transfer disks, created on a Mac with the Disk Transfer
     software; read only. [you can write, but no reverse transfer]

An Apple 800K drive will allow you to read, write and format
standard Macintosh disks.  Note that you can't read A-Max format
disks in Mac drives or under AmigaDOS, they are for use only in
Amiga drives when using A-Max.

Formatting Disks:

You format disks under A-Max in exactly the same way as you do on
the Macintosh; placing a blank disk in the drive while at the
desktop will bring up a dialog box asking you is you would like
to format the disk.  Click on the "Two-Sided" button (or
"Initialize"_ to format an 800K disk.  In unusual circumstances
you may find it necessary to format a 400K disk; click on the
"One-Sided" button or, if there is just an "Initialize" button,
hold down an Amiga key while clicking that button.

If you are using an Apple 800K drive, the disk you format will be
readable on standard Macintoshes; otherwise the disk will be in
A-Max's special format that is readable only on Amiga drives with

3.6 Sound

A-Max does not support the Mac's custom sound capabilities; the
only sound supported is the standard Mac beep.  It is extremely


unusual for productivity software to use any other kind of sound,
however most custom-sound producing programs will run without
problem under A-Max, but silently.  You can set the sound volume
using the Mac's "Control Panel" desk accessory.

3.7 The A-Max RAM Disk

A-Max has a built-in RAM disk that automatically uses any Amiga
memory you are not using as A-Max system memory (as selected with
the "Memory Size" parameter in the startup preferences).  The RAM
disk is recoverable so it will survive A-Max system reboots and
can be booted from if it contains the necessary system file
(System and Finder at least).

The RAM disk can be "inserted" and "ejected" much like a 3.5"
disk.  To insert the RAM disk, press the Function 1 key (F1). 
The first time this is done, you will get the standard Mac dialog
asking you to format the RAM disk - just click on initialize and
type in a name for the disk (eg. "RAM").  Once this is done, the
RAM disk will appear as an icon on the desktop and you can copy
files to and from it as you would an ordinary disk.  If you have
allocated all Amiga memory to the Mac system, no icon will appear
because there is no memory available for a RAM disk.  It is
possible for the Mac to eject the RAM disk in the same way that
it ejects 3.5" disks; just press F1 to re-insert it (no
information will be lost).  The RAM disk  will be resident until
you reset to AmigaDOS.

3.8 Time Clock

A-Max will automatically use the date and time from the Amiga
clock if you have an A2000 or A500 with the 512K memory expander. 
All other types of clocks will be ignored.


If you don't have one of these clocks, use the ALARM CLOCK desk
accessory if the applications you will be running require the
correct date and time.  You will have to reenter this information
every time the Mac system is rebooted.

                         4. SYSTEM DISKS

A-Max supports all the known Apple system disks, however system
disk versions 3.2 or greater are recommended.  At the time this
manual was printed, System versions up to version 6.0.2 had been
tested.  Some Mac applications will suggest or require a
particular system version; you should, of course, use any
recommended system version. [up to System 6.0.3 are valid]

As explained in section 3.3 above, if you have a Finder version
5.4 or greater (usually found on system disks version 4.0 or
greater), you will be able to use the Shutdown menu command.

If you are using the 64K ROM, your choice of system disks is
further limited because the new Apple system disks require the
128K (or higher) ROMs.  System 4.1 and above are not compatible
with the 64K ROMs.  System 3.2 is our recommended system version
for the 64K ROM.  In general, you should never mix Finder and
System file versions; always keep them together as they come. 
However, Finder 5.4 and System 3.2 work well together, and will
let you use the Finder Shutdown command.

As explained in section 6, the 64K ROM does not contain Apple's
newer HFS filing system.  Apple does, however, supply a system
file called "Hard Disk 20," which will make the HFS system
available to you if you are using the 64K ROM.  The Hard Disk 20
file will work reliably only with System 3.2, which is one of the
reasons it is recommended for use with the 64K ROM.  If you are
using the 64K ROM and require HFS support, you should put the
"Hard Disk 20" file on your system disk.

Apple's MultiFinder may be used with A-Max if you have the 128K
ROMs installed. It is found on system versions 4.2 and above.


If you are using the Apple Imagewriter, LaserWriter, ImageWriter
printer emulation in A-Max, or a PostScript laser printer, you
will also need the appropriate Apple printer drivers -
"ImageWriter" for 9 pin graphics, "LQ ImageWriter" for 24 pin
graphics, "LaserWriter" and "Laser Prep" for PostScript printers
(see section 10 on using printers).

                       5. EXPANSION MEMORY

A-Max can make use of all your Amiga's RAM (minus 128K for A-Max
overhead), however there are fundamental differences between how
the Macintosh and Amiga handle expansion memory - the Mac always
has its memory in one block starting at location 0 and is limited
to 4 Mb of RAM whereas the Amiga can handle up to 9Mb of RAM
which can be present in several discontinuous blocks.  All Amigas
have 512K beginning at location 0 which will work well with A-
Max, however certain applications will not function when
expansion memory is being used.

The solution for such applications is to stop A-Max from using
your expansion memory as Mac memory by reducin the "Memory Size"
parameter on the startup preferences screen to 512K (provided the
application will run in 512K) by selecting "No Expansion".  This
is the most compatible A-Max configuration because the first 512K
of memory in an Amiga is identical to that in a Macintosh.

If you have Commodore's new Extended Chip Set installed in your
Amiga, or have carried out the hardware modifications given in
section 11, and have at least 1Mb of RAM, you will be able to use
a 1Mb memory size as the most compatible A-Max memory

If you find that a particular application will not run, you
should try reducing your memory size before giving up on that
application (try "No Expansion" in A-Max preferences).

A-Max users with the 128K ROMs installed will be able to use
MultiFinder, Apple's "multitasking" system found on system disks
4.2 and above (6.0.2 is recommended).  MultiFinder is


useful with expansion memory (eg. 1Mb or more) because it
controls the use of memory by applications in a manner that is
compatible with A-Max.  So, running an application under
MultiFinder with expansion memory enabled may help for
compatibility with A-Max.  Note that some applications are not
compatible with MultiFinder (particularly older versions of
applications).  "Switcher", the predecessor to MultiFinder for
the 64K ROMs, will not work with expansion memory.

A-Max allows Mac software to make use of all the Amiga's
expansion memory by permanently allocating the empty areas of the
address space.  This method means that the Mac OS is running with
a certain amount of system memory, of which some portion is
always allocated.  If you are using expansion memory and check
the memory size given in the "About Finder" window, you will see
an incorrect value given for the amount of RAM the Mac thinks it
has.  This is OK and is what is supposed to happen.

If your Amiga has memory at $C00000 (most commonly the 512K
expansion RAM in Amiga 500's and 2000's) and you also have
additional expansion RAM, you should consider reducing your
memory size so that the $C00000 memory is not used by A-Max as
this is the most incompatible of the expansion memory (it will
still be used for the A-Max RAM disk).  Select the "No $C000000"
option in A-Max preferences.  This can improve your compatibility
with some applications.

If you have non-auto-configuring expansion memory in your Amiga,
the ADDMEM command must be run before the A-Max preferences will
recognize this memory.  The easiest way to accomplish this is to
place the ADDMEM command in the startup-sequence on your A-Max
disk.  Most expansion memory is auto-configuring and will not
require this procedure.

Another option to improve your memory configuration is available
from Spirit Technology Corp. for their InBoard 500 and 1000
expansion systems.  Contact Spirit directly at (800) _33-7572 for
more information.  

Any Amiga memory not used by the Mac system will be assigned to A-
Max's built-in RAM disk - see section 3.7.


Apple uses two filing systems (disk operating systems) on its
machines.  The 64K ROM has the "MFS" filing system built-in and
the 128K ROM has the "HFS" system built-in.  The original 64K ROM
Mac could only use single sided disks with the MFS filing system. 
When the Mac Plus was introduced with double sided 800K drives,
Apple released the 128K ROMs which included the HFS filing system
which was more efficient than MFS with larger capacity disks,
such as double sided 3.5" disks and hard disks.  For
compatibility with the 64K ROM machines, Apple continued to use
MFS for any disks that the user formatted as single sided. This
is possible because HFS is downwardly compatible with MFS so you
can read an MFS disk with an HFS Mac, but you can't read HFS
disks with and MFS (64K ROM) Mac.

How does this affect A-Max?  If you have the 128K ROMs installed,
you already have the HFS system built-in and you are able to use
both HFS and MFS disks.

If you are using 64K ROMs, you are usually only able to use MFS
disks.  This will be a problem if you transfer a double sided
disk from a Mac, because it will be in the HFS format (note that
Magic Sac 800K disks will often be MFS).  The solution is to
install Apple's "Hard Disk 20" file on your system disk (see
section 4).  With the Hard Disk 20 file installed, you will be
able to read HFS disks on your 64K ROM system, however, any disk
you want to boot from must be in MFS format because at the time
that you boot, the MFS 800K system disk by formatting a disk when
have NOT installed the Hard Disk 20 file yet.  Copy the Hard Disk
20 file and System 3.2 files onto it and use it to startup the
Mac.  You should see the message "Hard Disk 20 Startup" in the
"Welcome to Macintosh" window - this indicates that the HFS
system has been installed and you can now use 800K HFS disks. 
Any disks you format double sided will be in the HFS format -
beware of this if you are creating a startup disk as a 64K ROM
startup disk must be in the MFS format.  Any disk you format
single sided, or any disk formatted on the 64K ROM when you don't
have Hard Disk 20 installed will be MFS.


                 7. MAC DISK TRANSFER SOFTWARE

An Apple external drive is the recommended method of transferring
software to Amiga disks because it requires no transfer program,
extra disks, or access to a Mac, and can be used to transfer data
in both directions whereas the Disk Transfer program is limited
to Mac to Amiga transfers only.

The Disk Transfer software allows you to transfer disks from Mac
to A-Max format without the need of an Apple external drive for
your Amiga, however, you will need access to a Macintosh in order
to produce the transfer disks.  The Disk Transfer software
formats special disks on the Mac that are readable in Amiga
drives by A-Max.  

STEP A: On a Macintosh, execute the Disk Transfer program on the
"A-Max Utilities" disk.  Click the "Make Mini Transfer Disk"
button and then insert a blank disk in the destination drive when
requested.  The disk will be formatted and initialized to 272K if
you have a double sided drive, or to 136K if you have a single
sided drive, and when formatting is complete will be ejected. 
Once an MTD (Mini Transfer Disk) has been formatted, you can
reuse it for subsequent transfers without reformatting.  Now,
quit from the Disk Transfer program and return to the Desktop.

STEP B:  Insert your formatted MTD and copy the files you wish to
transfer onto it.

STEP C:  Execute the Disk Transfer program again, and click on
the "Prepare Mini Transfer Disk" button.  Insert the MTD in the
destination drive as requested and click OK.  The disk will be
prepared so that A-Max can read the files on it in an Amiga 3.5"


[The "Prepare MTD" command moves the MTD's contents to a
different area on the same disk that is readable with Amiga
drives.  Macintosh disks are recorded at five different speeds of
which, because Amiga drives are single speed devices, only two
are readable by the Amiga.  This is why the MTD's capacity is
only 272K.]

7.2 Full Disk Transfer

This option allows you to transfer a complete 400K or an 800K
disk from the Mac to A-Max format, by storing the data on several
transfer disks.  Once transferred the data is read by the Amiga
off the original source disk and the additional transfer disks
created with the Disk Transfer program to create an A-Max format

Click on the "Transfer Full Disk" to begin.  The Disk Transfer
program will ask you to insert the source disk and up to two
additional blank transfer disks, one at a time (if the
destination disks are unformatted, the program will format them
before using them).

After the transfer has been completed, you can take the transfer
disk(s) just created and the original source disk back to the
Amiga.  While running A-Max, execute the "Disk Receiver" program
found on the "A-Max Utilities" disk.  After clicking the "Receive
Full Disk" button, the program will ask you to insert a
destination disk (which will be formatted if necessary) and the
disks you created on the Mac as well as the original source disk
one at a time into an Amiga drive.  The source disks will be
reconstructed onto the destination disk in A-Max format so that
they can be used in Amiga 3.5" drives with A-Max.



The File Transfer programs allow files on MFS or HFS A-Max format
disks (or Mac format if you have an Apple external drive) to be
transferred to AmigaDOS format disks, and vice versa.  The files
are transferred via a file transfer format (FTF) disk, which
should not be confused with the Mini Transfer Disks used for
converting disks from Mac to A-Max formats.

Note: Macintosh files have two parts - a resource fork and a data
fork.  The file transfer program moves only the data fork of the
Mac file which make this program most suitable for transferring
text or other plain information files (applications can't be
transferred).  There is no conversion between application data
formats (eg. Microsoft Word to Excellence!) so you should save
the files to be transferred as plain ASCII or text files.  Some
applications (eg. spreadsheets) may offer interchange file
formats to allow files to be converted between application
formats. [Use Stuffit !! It only uses the DATA fork!! ]

There is one conversion option that is required when transferring
ordinary text files.  The Mac uses a carriage return character as
its end of line marker, while AmigaDOS uses a line feed character.
To convert the Mac's CR characters to the  Amiga's LF characters,
and vice versa, select the "CR to LF" (or "LF to CR") to perform
the conversion on files read FROM the FTF disk.

To transfer AmigaDOS files to an A-Max format disk, run the
AmigaDOS "File Transfer" program on the "A-Max Program Disk" and
format a transfer disk in the internal drive by clicking the
"Format" button (if you have previously formatted the FTF disk,
you can click on "Initialize" to delete all files currently on
the disk).  After the transfer disk has been created, click on
the "To TD: button and select from the file requester the file
you wish to transfer.  If you have two Amiga 3.5" drives you
should keep your AmigaDOS disk in the external drive to minimize
disk swapping between the FTF disk and the AmigaDOS disks.  Single
drive owners can use a RAM: disk to alleviate the need to disk
swaps.  After clicking OK you will be asked to insert the FTF
disk into the internal drive and the file will be copied to the
transfer disk.  You can place several files on the transfer disk
by clicking the "To TD" button and selecting each file.


Once every file you wish to transfer has been placed on the
transfer disk, exit the File Transfer program, start the A-Max
system and boot the Mac.  Execute the A-Max "File Transfer"
program on the "A-Max Utilities" disk and click the "From TD"
button.  You will be prompted to select a destination drive for
the transfer file (a blank disk may be formatted at this time)
and then to insert the FTF disk in the internal drive.  All the
files on the FTF disk will then be copied to the destination
disk.  If any files already exist on the destination disk, you
will be asked if you wish to overwrite them.

To transfer files from A-Max file format to AmigaDOS, follow the
same procedure starting with the A-Max file transfer program to
place Mac files onto the transfer disk and then reading thm off
with the AmigaDOS "File Transfer" program. The AmigaDOS
destination disk must be formatted by AmigaDOS before you
transfer the files to it (use the Workbench "Initialize" menu
command or the CLI's "Format" command.

                    9.  DOWNLOADING SOFTWARE

A-Max is compatible with many Macintosh Terminal programs,
including "MacTerminal" or the public domain "FreeTerm".  Once
you have your A-Max system up and running you can use a Mac
terminal program to download software from the many network
libraries of freely distributable Mac software.  Useful software
can be found in both the Mac and Magic Sac/Spectre areas of the

Terminal programs may also be used to transfer files between a
Mac and an Amiga.  Use a Mac terminal program running on both the
Mac and A-Max to download from one machine to the other with the
"Send file" and "Receive file" menu commands.


                          10. PRINTERS

A-Max supports the following printers:

10.1  Apple ImageWriter

You will need the Apple "ImageWriter printer driver on your
system disk which must be selected from the "Chooser" dest
accessory and as connected to printer Port B.  You will also need
the correct cable to connect the ImageWriter to the Amiga's
serial port.  Select Port B to be the serial port and set the
Port B Imagewriter emulation to "None" on the startup preferences
screen.  You should now be able to print as you would normally on
a Mac with an Imagewriter.

10.2  Epson Compatible 9 & 24 pin Dot Matrix

9 pin:  You will need the Apple "ImageWriter" printer driver on
your system disk, which must be selected from the "Chooser" disk
accessory.  Select the appropriate Port B (serial or parallel). 
Select "IW-9 pin" for the Imagewriter emulation on port B.

24 pin:  You will need either the Apple "ImageWriter" or "LQ
ImageWriter" printer driver on your system disk.  The LQ driver
is needed if you wish to print 24 pin graphics; if you only have
the "ImageWriter" driver you'll only be able to print 9-pin
graphics.  Select the printer port B as above, and select "LQ-24
pin" if you have the "LQ ImageWriter" driver, or "IW-24 pin"
ifyou have the "ImageWriter" driver.

The ImageWriter emulation feature translates the ImageWriter
control codes into Epson compatible codes as they go out the
port.  Because the ImageWriter printers have unusual print
densities, some printing will not have a 1:1 aspect ration when
printed on an Epson printer.  When printing "Best" quality
graphics on an Epson compatible printer, the horizontal print
density will be higher than that of an ImageWriter, so that the
image will be compressed horizontally by about 40%.  When
printing 24 pin graphics, the vertical density is a little less
than that of an ImageWriter LQ, causing pages to be longer than
they would normally be, by about 20%.


10.3  Apple LaserWriter and other PostScript Laser Printers

A-Max does not support the Apple Talk local area network and thus
cannot support direct printing to the LaserWriter, however, it is
possible to print to the LaserWriter and other PostScript Laser
printers by creating a PostScript text file and then dumping this
file out the printer port with the supplied "File Dump" program.

Creating the PostScript File:

Your system disk should have the "LaserWriter" and "Laser Prep"
files on it and the LaserWriter should be selected with the
Chooser desk accessory.  When selecting the LaserWriter, you can
ignore any "Can't Open Apple Talk" messages.  Proceed to print as
you would normally, but immediately after clicking the "Print"
button on the print dialog, press and hold command-k (Amiga-K)
until the message "Creating PostScript file" is displayed.  The
file will be called "PostScriptX" where X is the next unused digit
for each PostScript file on the disk.

Some Mac applications, such as Aldus' PageMaker, have a menu
option to create a PostScript file.

Printing the PostScript File:

Before sending the PostScript file to your printer, you must have
set the A-Max preferences so that either the modem port or, more
typically, the printer port, is set to output to your printer
(either prallel or serial) and that ImageWriter emulation is
turned off.

Now run a program called "File Dump" suppied in A-Max format on
the "A-Max Utilities" disk.  This program will allow you to
select the output port (modem or printer), baud rate, parity,
number of bits, and handshake method (if you are using a parallel
printer you won't need to set any of the serial parameters). 
When these parameters have been set, click on "Dump File", select
the name of the file to dump and the file will be sent.  Hold
Command-"." (Amiga .) if you wish to stop the dump before it's
complete.  Once the file has been sent you will be returned to
the first parameter selection screen. Repeat the process with
another file or click on "Quit" to exit.


If you are using a LaserWriter printer, connect it to the Amiga's
serial port, set the LaserWriter to 1200 or 9600 baud rather than
AppleTalk mode, and set the baud rate on "File Dump" to agree
with your baud selection on the LaserWriter.  The LaserWriter
operates in hardware handshaking mode at all times.  A non-Apple
PostScript printer should be set to "interactive" rather than
"batch" mode and connected to the Amiga's serial or parallel
ports with File Dump's output port set appropriately.

10.4  Other Printers

There are several third party suppliers of printer drivers to
allow the Mac to use other types of printers.  The best known are
the SoftStyle printer drivers which are available for dot matrix,
daisy wheels, HP LaserJet printers and others.


As an option for extremely advanced users, the information given
here will allow 1 Mb Amiga 500 owners with Rev. 4 and above
motherboards and Amiga 2000 owners with B2000 motherboards (not
the original German A2000 motherboards) to make jumper changes to
their motherboard that will improve their memory configurations
so that it is more compatible with A-Max.  By making this change,
the second 512K of expansion memory can be made contiguous with
the first 512K block memory, creating a single 1 Mb block that is
nearly identical to the Mac Plus and SE memory map.  The jumper
change is the same as that needed when the Extended Chip Set is
installed (if you already have the new Agnus chip installed, you
have no need to make the changes indicated here).  The Extended
Chip Set will be available from Commodore and improves the
capabilities of the Amiga by increasing the amount of chip RAM to
1Mb, and supporting a 480 line non-interlaced video mode for use
with multi-sync monitors.

The one disadvantage to making this change without installing ECS
is that AmigaDOS will incorrectly assume you have 1 Mb of


chip RAM in your machine, and attempt to use the memory as such. 
To stop this from happening you must insert a command into the
startup-sequence of your Amiga boot disk(s) that corrects the
memory type of the 512K expansion RAM.  The command to do this is
called "KillChip", and it can be found in the C directory of the
DXax Program" disk.  The "KillChip" command should be copied to
all your Amiga boot disks and executed at the beginning of all
your startup-sequences.  A program called "CheckChipSet" is
supplied in the A-Max directory of the "A-Max Program Disk" that,
once run, will tell you if you have the new or old Agnus chip. 
If you have the new Agnus, you will not have to use the
"KillChip" program.  If you already have 1Mb of chip memory, your
Amiga must already have and be setup for the new chip set and
none of the following is necessary.

The jumper changes are given below.  Do not attempt to make this
modification unless you know what you are doing - ReadySoft
cannot be responsible for any mishaps that might occur.  Making
the changes described here could void your warranty, so you may
want your dealer to make the modifications.


J101:move jumper from 1-2 to 2-3

J500:open (this is normally soldered closed)


The A500 change is much trickier than the A2000 change.  As
mentioned above, this change is only applicable to A500s with a
motherboard revision number 4 and above.  If you have a revision
3 motherboard, there is a different and more complicated method
to move the memory which we suggest you contact your dealer
about.  Note that you must have the A501 512K memory expander for
this change to work.

Before you begin, find the revision number and verify that it is
4 or higher.  There are now two changes to the motherboard you
must make, the first is a jumper you must desolder and then
resoldeer to a different pad, and the second is a trace on the
board you must cut.


Locate the CPU (large chip marked 68000) and the ROM beside it. 
Between these two chips are three jumper pads collectively called
JP2.  Looking closely will reveal that the bottom and center pads
are connected and the top one is not.  You must reverse the order
by making one cut with an EXACTO knife to open the bottom from
the center and then solder the top to the center with a small dab
of solder.

Next locate the memory expansion connector marked CNX which runs
vertically near the front right of the motherboard.  Toward the
end of the connector that is furtherest away from the front of
the computer there are a number of traces on the board that run
parallel to the connector.  The one you must find is the third
trace from the connector (be careful when counting because ther
may be traces that are obscured by white silk-screening).  This
trace runs to a pad approximately one inch down from the end of
the CNX connector (there are a group of pads at this point, the
one you want is the closest one to the connector).  Use an EXACTO
knife to cut this trace at any point within the area that it runs
parallel to the connector.

                        12. COMPATIBILITY

As A-Max is an emulator and not a Macintosh, there will be some
pieces of Mac software that will not run under A-Max.  Almost all
Mac software that goes through the Macintosh operating system
(such as most productivity software) will run with A-Max.

Compatibility problems arise when software talks directly to the
hardware, bypassing the operating system.  This is most evident
in Midi software, copy protected software, games and programs
designed to use Mac hardware add-ons.  Unfortunately there is
nothing that can be done to allow these types of programs to run
with A-Max.

When A-Max is running, it takes full control of the Amiga,
getting rid of the Amiga operating system.  Without AmigaDOS
running, A-Max cannot access Amiga hard drives which means the
Mac software running under A-Max cannot use hard drives.



Agnus:  An Amiga custom chip that determines the amount of Chip
memory your Amiga can use.  The new Agnus chip that is part of
Commodore's ECS upgrade allows A500 and A2000 computers to
address 1Mb of Chip memory, which is a more A-Max compatible
memory configuration than the usual 512K Chip RAM memory.

AppleTalk:  Apple's local area network, also used to connect the
LaserWriter laser printer to a Macintosh.

Chooser: A Macintosh desk accessory that allows the user to
select which printer driver on the system disk will be used for
printer output, as well as other options such as the printer
output port.

Control Panel: A Macintosh desk accessory that lets the user
control several different options, such as sound volume, mouse
and keyboard. Equivalent to the Amiga's Preferences program.

Desk Accessory (DA):  A special type of Mac program that is part
of the System file and is accessible while running most
applications from the Apple menu.

ECS (Extended Chip Set):  A new version of the Amiga custom chips
that allows the Amiga to address 1Mb of Chip RAM and display non-
interlaced displays with a multi-sync monitor.

Finder:  The program that creates the Apple desktop.  Equivalent
to the Amiga's Workbench.  The Finder program has many versions
and should always be run in conjunction with the correct version
of the System file.

FTF (File Transfer Format):  An intermediate disk format that is
used in transferring files from AmigaDOS to and from an A-Max.

Hard Disk 20:  An Apple system file that installs the HFS system
for use with the 64K ROM.

HFS: Hierarchical Filing System, the current filing system (DOS)
for the Mac which is built into the 128K ROMs, and is available


the 64K ROM with the Hard Disk 20 program. HFS is always used
with disks with a capacity greater than 400K, typically 800K
double sided disks. See page 18 for a full discussion.

Interlace:  An Amiga video mode that displays twice the normal
number of screen lines at half the refresh rate.  This leads to a
flickering display on ordinary monitors, but some monitors are
designed to minimize flicker, such as the high persistence
Commodore A2080 monitor or the A2024 monitor.

Magic Sac:  An Atari ST 64K ROM Macintosh emulator.

MFS:  Macintosh Filing System, the first filing system (DOS) for
the Mac which is built into the 64K ROMs and also compatible with
the 128K ROMS. MFS is always used with single sided (400K) disks. 
See page 18 for a full discussion.

MTD (Mini Trasnfer Disk):  A disk specially formatted on a
Macintosh with a capacity of 272K that can be read directly in an
Amiga drive.  An MTD can be used to transfer software from a Mac
format disk to an A-Max format disk if you have access to a
Macintosh but do not have an Apple 800K drive connected to your
Amiga. [ Partition 1 = A-Max, Partition 2 = MFS / HFS ]

Spectre 128:  An Atari ST 128K ROM Macintosh emulator.

System:  A file which contains information the Macintosh requires
for use at all times.  This includes startup information, fonts,
desk accessories, and other system code.  There are many different
System file versions, some of which require certain ROMs.

System Disk:  A disk that has the required system information on
it for the Mac to startup (boot) from it.  This always includes
the System file and usually the Finder file (it is possible to
have a system disk that consists of a System file and an
application that is started automatically).  Often there will be
other files that are not absolutely necessary for startup, such
as Control Panel option files, the Scrapbook and Clipboard files,
and others.  All the various system files are often held together
in a system folder on the start-up disk.



A-Max docs brought to you by The Southern Star.
Further Spellchecking, and HTML Conversion & editing by Reginal Cross.

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Thanks to for supplying it.
Thanks to the "Southern Star" for scanning or typing it in.

Thanks also to Ken Harvey for providing A-Max 1.0 manual images & A-Max logo Image.
    (I've tweaked, shrunk, stretched and recolored it many times now!)

A-Max User Manual Addendum for Version 1.0 128K ROM Version Numbers There is a misprint on Page 3 of the manual where the 128K ROM set version numbers are given. The correct numbers should be 342-0341-X and 342-0342-X. ECS Mode Selection: When the selected video mode is "ECS", the Wide and High gadgets control the ECS video mode. The Wide gadget selects a 640 pixel wide screen, as before, but if the screen width gadget is "Mac", the Mac 512x342 screen will be displayed. If the screen width is "Wide", then the screen height gadget controls the the number of lines the ECS mode will display. "Mac" is 400 lines and "High" is 480 lines (suitable for VGA monitors). "ECS Lace" displays 640x800 or 640x960 depending on the setting of the "High" button. ECS screens look best with the default Workbench colours (dark blue $05a, white $fff), so set the "Colors" gadget to "System" for ECS screens. Fast RAM: If you have a fast RAM expansion board in your Amiga, and memory at $c00000 (most commonly in Amiga 2000's and expanded A500's) using the "No $c00000" memory mode will cause the A-Max system code to be placed in fast RAM, which will give you a faster Mac. This is particularly important for 68020 boards as this memory is often 32 bit RAM. The memory at $c00000 will be made available to the RAM disk. NB: A-Max will not function if your KickStart ROM has been copied down into 32 bit RAM with the SetCPU command. Amiga 1000 KickStart Memory: There are some internal memory expansions for the 1000 that will not function when KickStart RAM is write enabled. These are most commonly the 'hack' 512K-1.5MB expansions that are done by piggy backing RAM chips on the 1000 motherboard. If you find that the ADDMEM command crashes when you attempt to add your expansion memory to the system (ie. you have non- auto-configuring memory expansion), you will have to disable the KickStart enabling boot block on the A-Max startup disk. This is done easily by installing a normal boot block on the startup disk with the Workbench INSTALL command. Cartridge Legs: There is no need to snap off the legs for the cartridge as described in the manual. There are two sets of legs provided with A-Max, two long for the A1000 and two short legs for the A2000 or A1010 external drive. The legs plug in to the two holes on the bottom of the cartridge (not the screw holes) File Transfer Program (A-Max side): When copying files to and from A-Max format disks you should insert the A-Max disk in the drive when the file requester is being displayed. The File Transfer program disables the file system detection of disk insertion except when the file requester is being displayed, so only insert the A-Max disk at this time. File Transfer Program (Amiga side): It is recommended that single drive users use a RAM disk as their AmigaDOS source and/or destination. Also make sure the drive light on any drive is off before swapping any disks. Serial Printer Cables: Any serial cable used for printer connection (eg. for an Apple ImageWriter) should have the hardware handshaking line CTS connected on the Amiga side. Examples: Amiga DB-25 ImageWriter I DB-25 male Pin 2 (TxD) ----- Pin 3 (RD) Pin 3 (RxD) ----- Pin 2 (SD) Pin 7 (GND) ----- Pin 7 (GND) Pin 5 (CTS) ----- Pin 20 (DTR) Amiga DB-25 ImageWriter II Mini DIN-8 male Pin 2 (TxD) ----- Pin 5 (RxD-) Pin 3 (RxD) ----- Pin 3 (TxD-) Pin 7 (GND) ----- Pin 4 (GND) Pin 5 (CTS) ----- Pin 1 (DTR) Amiga DB-25 LaserWriter DB-25 male Pin 2 (TxD) ----- Pin 3 (RD) Pin 3 (RxD) ----- Pin 2 (SD) Pin 7 (GND) ----- Pin 7 (GND) Pin 5 (CTS) ----- Pin 20 (DTR) The LaserWriter cable applies to most other serial printers. Hardware Problems: Problems with the A-Max cartridge reading ROMs, and using the Macintosh disk drive can be the result of defective CIA chips in your Amiga. It is possible that Amiga 3.5' drives continue to function even when these chips are bad, which can be caused by connecting or disconnecting any device to the external disk drive port of the Amiga with the power on. If you are having problems with your A-Max system it is often useful to test the cartridge on another Amiga if you have access to one. HyperCard: This version of A-Max is compatible with HyperCard on the A1000 and A500. Hardware V2: This version of the A-Max software is compatible with the second A-Max cartridge version. (Readysoft)
Readysoft A-MAX Notes WARNINGS: 1. Always turn off the Amiga before (re)connecting AMAX module! 2. NEVER RESET YOUR AMIGA (CONTROL-AMIGA-AMIGA OR POWER DOWN) WITHOUT EJECTING ALL DISKS THROUGH THE MAC SYSTEM! (Disk directories are buffered in RAM until disk is normally ejected!) ROMS: Amax will accept 64K, or the 128K ROMs (Newer CPU, etc. support w/128) The cartrige MAY work still if plugged into the back of an external floppy drives. ------ AMAX 1.0 Notes ------ Compatibilities & Limitations: No Hard drive support in 1.0 Amax 1.0 disks are not readable on a MAC Mini Transfer disks, created on a Mac with the Disk Transfer Software; read only. (272K, for MAC->Amiga Transfer) Magic Sac (Atari 64K ROM emulator) and Spectre 128 (128K ROM emulator) formatted disks may be read by A-Max. (Magic Sac and Spectre are Atari ST Mac emulators). You can not write to them with A-Max. The old external 400K drives are ignored by AMAX 64K ROM system 4.0 or earlier only in MAC drive required due to old file system. TIPS: F1 to enable RAM disk - if you eject it or want it & RAM is available. RAM disk can be booted from if finder & System files are there... Only 500 & 2000 stock clocks will be used. Expansion clocks are ignored. MAC OS up to 6.0.2. tested by Readysoft on AMAX 1.0. To Set / change preferences on bootup: 64K ROMS: Hold right mouse when inserting system disk. 128K ROM: Holding down right mouse button during MAC boot screen (happy MAC) will allow some changes when (re)booting your MAC For programmers, the Macintosh interrupt switch can be simulated by typing shift-escape on the Amiga keyboard. Keyboard Differences: A-Max emulates the Macintosh Plus keyboard which has a numeric keypad and arrow keys. There are three keys on the Plus keyboard that are not on the Amiga's; the key equivalents follow: Command (clover leaf)..........either Amiga key Option ..........either Alt key Clear ..........Del key Often the command-shift-1 and command-shift-2 keyboard will 'eject' floppies in DF0: or DF1: --- EOT ---
Easter Egg: On A-Max 1.0, Point to the A-Max Logo and click: The following message will be displayed: A-Max was written by Simon Douglas, and the A-Max cartridge was designed by David Foster and Don Holtz. Thanks also to Jorge Freitas for the Preferences graphics.
Last UPDATED by Reginal Cross on Oct 28, 2019

Text in [braces] have been added by Reginal Cross. [Me]
If you find ANYTHING wrong or misspelled,

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