The 264 (Plus/4) Memory Map Page

The Plus/4 / C= 16 Memory Map Page

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           ******* Commodore Plus / 4 and C= 16 Memory Map: *******
                   --- IMPORT --- FTP.FUNET.FI archive ----
    ; Commodore plus/4 and ; Commodore 16 Memory Map ; ; V1.1 9 Dec 1994 ; Label Hex Addr. Decimal Loc. Description PDIR $0000 0 7501 on-chip data-direction register PORT $0001 1 7501 on-chip 8-bit Input/Output register SRCHTK $0002 2 Token 'search' looks for (run-time stack) ZPVEC1 $0003-0004 3-4 Temp (renumber) ZPVEC2 $0005-0006 5-6 Temp (renumber) CHARAC $0007 7 Search character ENDCHR $0008 8 Flag: scan for quote at end of string TRMPOS $0009 9 Screen column from last TAB VERCK $000A 10 Flag: 0 = load 1 - verify COUNT $000B 11 Input buffer pointer / No. of subsctipts DIMFLG $000C 12 Flag: Default Array DIMension VALTYP $000D 13 Data type: $FF = string $00 = numeric INTFLG $000E 14 Data type: $80 = integer, $00 = floating DORES $000F 15 Flag: DATA scan/LIST quote/garbage coll SUBFLG $0010 16 Flag: subscript ref / user function coll INPFLG $0011 17 Flag: $00 = INPUT, $43 = GET, $98 = READ TANSGN $0012 18 Flag TAN siqn / comparison result CHANNL $0013 19 Flag: INPUT prompt LINNUM $0014-0015 20-21 Temp: integer value TEMPPT $0016 22 Pointer: temporary string stack LASTPT $0317-0018 23-24 Last temp string address TEMPST $0019-0021 25-33 Stack for temporary strings INDEX1 $0022-0023 34-35 Utility pointer area INDEX2 $0024-0025 36-37 Utility pointer area RESHO $0026 38 RESMOH $0027 39 RESMO $0028 40 RESLO $0029 41 $002A 42 TXTTAB $002B-002C 43-44 Pointer: start of BASIC text VARTAB $002D-002E 45-46 Pointer: start of BASIC variables ARYTAB $002E-0030 47-48 Pointer: start of BASIC arrays STREND $0031-0032 49-50 Pointer: end of BASIC arrays (+1) FRFTOP $0033-0034 51-52 Pointer: bottom of string storage FRESPC $0035-0036 53-54 Utility string pointer MEMSIZ $0037-0038 55-56 Pointer: highest address used by BASIC CURLIN $0039-003A 57-58 Current BASIC line number TXTPTR $003B-003C 59-60 FNDPNT $003D-003F 61-62 DATLIN $003F-0040 63-64 Current DATA line number DATPTR $0041-0042 65-66 Pointer: Current DATA item address INPPTR $0043-0044 67-68 Vector: INPUT routine VARNAM $0045-0046 69-70 Current BASIC variable name VARPNT $0047-0048 71-72 Pointer: Current BASIC variable data FORPNT $0049-004A 73-74 Pointer: Index variable for FOR/NEXT OPPTR $0048-004C 75-76 OPMASK $004D 77 DEFPNT $004E-004F 78-79 DSCPNT $0050-0051 80-81 $0052 82 HELPER $0053 83 JMPER $0054 84 SIZE $0055 85 OLDOV $0056 86 TEMPF1 $0057 87 HIGHDS $0058-0059 88-89 HIGHTR $005A-005B 90-91 $005C 92 LOWDS $005D-005E 93-94 LoWTR $005F 95 EXPSGN $0060 96 FACEXP $0061 97 Floating-point accumulator #1: exponent FACHO $0062 98 Floating accum. #1: mantissa FACMOH $0063 99 FACMO $0064 100 FACLo $0065 101 FACSGN $0066 102 Floating accum. #1: sign SGNFLG $0067 103 Pointer: series evaluation constant BITS $0068 104 Floating accum. #1: overflow digit ARGEXP $0069 105 Floating-point accumulator #2: exponent ARGHO $006A 106 Floating accum. #2: mantissa ARGMOH $006B 107 ARGMO $006C 108 ARGLO $006D 109 ARGSGN $006E 110 Floating accum. #2: sign ARISGN $006F 111 Sign comparison result: accum. #1 vs #2 FACOV $0070 112 Floating accum. #1. low-order (rounding) FBUFPT $0071-0072 113 Pointer: cassette buffer AUTINC $0073-0074 115-116 Increment value for auto (0 = off) MVDFLG $0075 117 Flag if 10K hires allocated KEYNUM $0076 118 KEYSIZ $0077 119 SYNTMP $0078 120 Used as temp Eor indirect loads DSDESC $0079-0078 121-123 Descriptor for DSS TOS $007C-037D 124-125 Top of run time stack TMPTON $007E-007F 126-127 Temps used by music (tone & volume) VOICNO $0080 128 RUNMOD $0081 129 POINT $0082 130 GRAPHM $0083 131 Current graphic mode COLSEL $0084 132 Current color selected MC1 $0085 133 Multicolor 1 FG $0086 134 Foreground color SCXMAX $0087 135 Maximum # of columns SCYMAX $0088 136 Maximum # of rows LTFLAG $0089 137 Paint-left flag RTFLAG $008A 138 Paint-Right flag STOPNH $008B 139 Stop paint if not BG (Not same Color) GRAPNT $008C-008D 140-141 VTEMP1 $008E 142 VTEMP2 $008F 143 STATUS $0090 144 Kernal I/O status word: ST STREY $0091 145 Flag: STOP key / RVS key SPVERR $0092 146 Temp VERFCK $0093 147 Flag: 0 = load, 1 = verify C3PO $0094 148 Plag: serial bus - output char buffered BSOUR $0095 149 Buffered character for serial bus XSAV $0096 150 Temp for basin LDTND $0097 151 # of open files / index to file table DFLTN $0098 152 Default input device (0) DFLTO $0099 153 Default output (CMD) device (3) MSGFLG $009A 154 Flag: $80 = direct mode $00 = program SAL $009B 155 Tape pass 1 error log SAH $009C 156 Tape pass 2 error log EAL $009D 157 EAH $009E 158 T1 $009F-00A0 159-160 Temp data area T2 $00A1-00A2 161-162 Temp data area TIME $00A3-00A5 163-165 Real-time jiffy clock (approx) 1/60 sec R2D2 $00A6 166 Serial bus usage (EOI on output) TPBYTE $00A7 167 Byte to be written/read on/off tape BSOUR1 $00A8 168 Temp used by serial routine FPVERR $00A9 169 DCOUNT $00AA 170 FNLEN $00A8 171 Length of current file name LA $00AC 172 Current logical fiie number SA $00AD 173 Current seconda.y address FA $00AE 174 Current device number FNADR $00AF-00B0 175-176 Pointer: current file name ERRSUM $00B1 177 STAL $00B2 178 I/O start address STAH $00B3 179 MEMUSS $00B4-00B5 180-181 Load ram base TAPEBS $00B6-00B7 182-183 Base pointer to cassette base TMP2 $00B8-00B9 184-185 WRBASE $00BA-00BB 186-187 Pointer to data for tape writes IMPARM $00BC-00BD 188-189 Pointer to immediate string for primms FETPTR $00BE-00BF 190-191 Pointer to byte to be fetched in bank fetc SEDSAL $00C0-00C1 192-193 Temp for scrolling RVS $00C2 194 RVS field flag on INDX $00C3 195 LSXP $00C4 196 X position at start LSTP $00C5 197 SFDX $00C6 198 Flag: shift mode for print CRSW $00C7 199 Flag: INPUT or GET from keyboard PNT $00C8-00C9 200-201 Pointer: current screen line address PNTR $00CA 202 Cursor column on current line QTSW $00CB 203 Flag: editor in quote mode, $00 = no SEDT1 $00CC 204 Editor temp use TBLX $00CD 205 Current cursor physical line number DATAX $00CE 206 Temp data area INSRT $00CF 207 Flag: insert mode, >0 = # INSTs $00D0-$00D7 208-215 Area for use by speech software $00D8-00E8 216-232 Area for use by application software CIRSEG $00E9 233 Screen line link table / editor temps USER $00EA-00EB 234-235 Screen editor color IP KEYTAB $00EC-00ED 236-237 Key scan table indirect TMPKEY $00EE 238 NDX $00EF 239 Index to keyboard queue STPFLG $00F0 240 Pause flag TO $00F1-00F2 241-242 Monitor ZP storage CHRPTR $00F3 243 BUFEND $00F4 244 CHKSUM $00F5 245 Temp for checksum calculation LENGTH $00F6 246 PASS $00F7 247 Which pass we are doing str TYPE $00F8 248 Type of block USE4DY $00F9 249 (B.7 = 1)=> for wr, (B.6 = 1)=> for rd XSTOP $00FA 250 Save xreg for quick stopkey test CURBNK $00FB 251 Current bank configuration XoN $00FC 252 Char to send for a x-on (RS232) XoFF $00FD 253 Char to send for a x-off (RS232) SEDT2 $00FE 254 Editor temporary use LOFBUF $00FF 255 FBUFFR $0100-$010F 256-271 SAVEA $0110 272 Temp Locations for SAVEY $0111 273 ... for Save and SAVEX $0112 274 ... Restore COLKEY $0113-0122 275-289 Color/luminance table in RAM SYSSTK $0124-01FF 291-511 System stack BUF $0200-0258 512-606 Basic/monitor input buffer OLDLIN $0259-025A 601-602 Basic storage OLDTXT $025B-025C 603-604 Basic storage $025D-02AC 605-684 BASIC/DOS INTERFACE AREA XCNT $025D DOS loop counter PNBUFR $025E-026D Area for filename DOSF1L $026E DOS filename 1 length DOSDS1 $026F DOS disk drive 1 DOSF1A $0270-0271 DOS filename 1 addr DOSF2L $0272 DOS filename 2 length DOSDS2 $0273 DOS disk drive 2 DOSF2A $0274-0275 DOS filename 2 addr DOSLA $0276 DOS logical address DOSEA $0277 DOS phys addr DOSSA $0278 DOS secordary address DOSDID $0279-027A DOS disk identifier DIDCHK $0278 DOS DID flag DOSSTR $027C DOS output string buffer DOSSPC $027D-02AC Area used to build DOS string Graphics Variables XPOS $02AD-02AE 685-686 Current x position YPOS $02AE-02B0 687-688 Current y position XDEST $02B1-02B2 689-690 X coordinate destination YDEST $02B3-02B4 691-692 Y coordinate destination XABS $02B5-02B6 693-694 YABS $02B7-0288 69S-696 XSGN $02B9-02BA 697-69B YSGN $02BB-028C 699-700 FCT1 $02BD-02BE 701-702 FCT2 $02BF-02C0 703-704 ERRVAL $02C1-02C2 705-706 LESSER $02C3 707 GREATR $02C4 708 ANGSGN $02C5 709 Sign of angle SINVAL $02C6-02C7 710-711 Sine of value of angle COSVAL $02C8-02C9 712-713 Cosine of value of angle ANGCNT $02CA-02CB 714-715 Temps for angle distance routines Start of multiply defined area #1 $02CC 716 Placeholder BNR $02CD 717 Pointer to begin no. ENR $02CE 718 Pointer to end no. DOLR $02CF 719 Dollar flag FLAG $02DO 720 Comma flag SWE $02D1 721 Counter USGN $02D2 722 Sign exponent UEXP $02D3 723 Pointer to exponent VN $02D4 724 # of digits before decimal point CHSN $02D5 725 Justify flag VF $02D6 726 # of pos before decimal point (field) NF $02D7 727 # of pos after decimal point (field) POSP $02D8 728 +/- flag (field) FESP $02D9 729 Exponent flag (field) ETOF $02DA 730 Switch CFORM $02D8 731 Char counter (field) SNO $02DC 732 Sign no. BLFD $02DD 733 Blank/star flag BEGFD $02DE 734 Pointer to beginning of field LFOR $02DF 735 Length of format ENDFD $02E0 736 Pointer to end of field XCENTR $02CC-02CD 716-717 YCENTR $02CE-02CF 718-719 XDIST1 $02D0-02D1 720-721 YDIST1 $02D2-02D3 722-723 XDIST2 $02D4-02D5 724-725 YDIST2 $02D6-02D7 726-727 $02D8-02D0 728-729 Placeholder COLCNT $02DA 730 Characters column counter ROWCNT $02DB 731 Characters row counter STRCNT $02DC 732 Start of multiply defined area #2 XCORD1 $02CC-02CD 716-717 YCORD1 $02CE-02CF 718-719 BOXANG $02D0-02D1 720-721 Rotation angle XCOUNT $02D2-02D3 722-723 YCOUNT $02D4-02D5 724-725 BXLENG $02D6-02D7 726-727 Length of a side XCORD2 $02D8-02D9 728-729 YCORD2 $02DA-02DB 730-731 XCIRCL $02CC-02CD 716-717 Circle center, x coordinate YCIRCL $02CE-02CF 718-719 Circle center, y coordinate XRADUS $02D0-02D1 720-721 X radius YRADUS $02D2-02D3 722-723 Y radius ROTANG $02D4-02D5 724-725 Rotation angle ANGBEG $02D8-02D9 728-729 Arc angle start ANGEND $02DA-02DB 730-731 Arc angle end XRCOS $02DC-02DD 732-733 X radius * cos (rotation angle) YRSIN $02DE-02DF 734-735 Y radius * sin (rotation angle) XRSIN $02E0-02E1 736-737 X radius * sin (rotation angle) YRCOS $02E2-02E3 738-739 Y radius * cos (rotation angle) Start of multiply defined area #3 $02CC 716 Placeholder KEYLEN $02CD 717 KEYNXT $02CE 718 STRS2 $02CE 719 String length GETTYP $02D0 720 Replace string mode STRPTR $02D1 721 String position counter OLDBYT $02D2 722 Old bit map byte NEWBYT $02D3 723 New string or bit map byte $02D4 724 Placeholder XSI2E $02D5-02D6 725-726 Shape column length YSIZE $02D7-02D8 727-728 Shape row length XSAVE $02D9-02DA 729-730 Temp for column length STRADR $02D8-02DC 731-732 Save shape string descriptor BITIDX $02DD 733 Bit index into byte SAYSIZ $02DE-02E1 734-737 Temporary work locations CHRPAG $02E4 740 High byte addr of char ROM for char cmd LITCNT $02E5 741 Temp for gshape SCALEM $02E6 742 Scale mode flag WIDTH $02E7 743 Double width flag FILFLG $02E8 744 Box fill flag BITMSK $02E9 745 Temp for bit mask NUMCNT $02EA 746 TRCFLG $02EB 747 Flags trace mode T3 $02EC 748 T4 $02ED-02EE 749-750 VTEMP3 $02EF 751 Graphic temp storage VTEMP4 $02F0 752 VTEMP5 $02F1 753 ADRAY1 $02E2-02F3 754-755 Ptr to routine: convert float to integer ADRAY2 $02F4-02F5 756-757 Ptr to routine: convert integer to float BNKVEC $02FE-02FF 766-767 Vector for function cartridge users IERROR $0300-0301 768-769 Indirect Error (Output Error in .X) IMAIN $0302-0303 770-771 Indirect Main (System Direct Loop) ICRNCH $0304-0305 772-773 Indirect Crunch (Tokenization Routine) IOPLOP $0306-0307 774-775 Indirect List (Char List) IGONE $0308-0309 776-777 Indirect Gone (Character Dispatch) IEVAL $030A-0303 778-779 Indirect Eval (Symbol Evaluation) IESCLK $030C-030D 780-781 Escape token crunch IESCPR $030E-030F 782-783 IESCEX $0310-0311 784-785 ITIME $0312-0313 786-787 CINV $0314-0315 7B8-789 IRQ Ram Vector CBINV $0316-0317 790-791 BRK Instr RAM Vector IOPEN $0318-0319 792-793 Indirects for Code ICLOSE $031A-031B 794-795 ICHKIN $031C-031D 796-797 ICKOUT $031E-031F 798-799 ICLRCH $0320-0321 800-801 IBASIN $0322-0323 802-803 IBSOUT $0324-Q325 804-805 ISTOP $0326-0327 806-807 IGETIN $0328-0329 808-809 ICLALL $032A-032B 810-811 USRCMD $032C-032D 812-813 ILOAD $032E-032E 814-815 ISAVE $0330-0331 816-817 Savesp TAPBUF $0333-03F2 819-1010 Cassette tape buffer WRLEN $03F3-03F4 1011-1012 Length of data to be written to tape RDCNT $03F5-03F6 1013-1014 Length of data to be read from tape INPQUE $03F7-0436 1015-1078 RS-232 input queue ESTARL $0437-0454 1079-1108 ESTAKH $0455-0472 1109-1138 CHRGET $0473-0478 1139-1144 CHRGOT $04?9-0484 1145-1156 QNUM $0485-0493 1157-1171 INDSUB $0494-04A1 1172-1185 Shared ROM fetch sub ZERO $04A2-04A4 1186-1188 Numeric constant for Basic INDTXT $04A5-04AF 1189-1199 Txtptr INDIN1 $04B0-04BA 1200-1210 Index & Index1 INDIN2 $04BB-04C5 1211-1221 Index2 INDST1 $04C6-04D0 1222-1232 Strng1 INDLOW $04D1-04DB 1233-1243 Lowtr INDFMO $04DC-04E6 1244-1254 Facmo PUFILL $04E7 1255 Print using fill symbol [space] PUCOMA $04E8 1256 Print using comma symbol [;] PUDOT $04E9 1257 Print using D.P. symbol [.] PUMONY $04EA 1258 Print using monetary symbol [$] TMPDES $04EB-04EE 1259-1262 Temp for instr ERRNUM $04EF 1263 Last error number ERRLIN $04F0-04F1 1264-1265 Line # of last error TRAPNO $04F2-04F3 1266-1267 Line to go on error TMPTRP $04F4 1268 Hold trap no. temporarily ERRTXT $04F5-04E6 1269-1270 OLDSTR $04F7 1271 TMPTXT $04F8-04F9 1272-1273 TMPLIN $04FA-04F8 1274-1275 MTIMLO $04FC-04FD 1276-1277 Table of pending jiffies (2's comp) MTIMHI $04FE-04FF 1278-1279 USRPOK $0500-0502 1280-1282 KERNDX $0503-0507 1283-1287 DEJAVU $0508 1288 'cold' or 'warm' start status LAT $0509-0512 1289-1298 Logical file numbers FAT $0513-051C 1299-1308 Primary device numbers SAT $051D-0526 1309-1318 Secondary addresses KEYD $0527-0530 1319-1328 IRQ keyboard buffer MEMSTR $0531-0532 1329-1330 Start of memory [1000] MSIZ $0533-0534 1331-1332 Top of memory [FD00] TIMOUT $0535 1333 IEEE timeout flag FILEND $0536 1334 File end reached = 1, 0 otherwise CTALLY $0537 1335 # of chars left in buffer (for R & W) CBUFVA $0538 1336 # of total valid chars in buffer (R) TPTR $0539 1337 Ptr to next char in buffer (for R & W) FLTYPE $053A 1338 Contains type of current cass file COLOR $053B 1339 Active attribute byte FLASH $053C 1340 Character flash flag $053D 1341 FREE HIBASE $053E 1342 OC Base location of screen (top) [0C] XMAX $053F 1343 RPTFLG $0540 1344 Key repeat flag KOUUT $0541 1345 DELAY $0542 1346 SHFLAG $0543 1347 Shift flag byte LSTSHF $0544 1348 Last shift pattern KEYLOG $0545-0546 1349-1350 Indirect for keyboard table setup MODE $0547 1351 shift, C= AUTODN $0548 1352 Auto scroll down flag (0=on,0<>off) LINTMP $0549 1353 ROLFLG $054A 1354 FORMAT $054B 1355 Monitor non-zpage storage MSAL $054C-054E 1356-1358 WRAP $054F 1359 TMPC $0550 1360 DIFF $0551 1361 PCH $0552 1362 PCL $0553 1363 FLGS $0554 1364 ACC $0555 1365 XR $0556 1366 YR $0557 1367 SP $0558 1368 INYL $0559 1369 INVH $055A 1370 CMPFLG $055B 1371 Used by various monitor routines BAD $055C 1372 KYNDX $055D 1373 Used for programmable keys KEYIDX $055E 1374 KEYBUF $055F-0566 1375-1382 Table of P.F. lengths PKY9UF $0567-05E6 1383-1510 P.F. Key storage area KDATA $05E7 1511 Temp for data write to kennedy RDYCMD $05E8 1512 Select for kennedy read or write KDYNUM $05E9 1513 Kennedy's dev # RDYPRS $05EA 1514 Rennedy present = $ff, else = $00 KDYTYP $05EB 1515 Temp for type of open for kennedy SAVRAM $05EC-06E8 1516-1771 1 page used by banking routines PAT $05EC-05EF 1516-1519 Physical Address Table LNGJMP $05F0-05F1 1520-1521 Long jump address FETARG $05F2 1522 Long jump accumulator FETXRG $05F3 1523 Long jump x register FETSRG $05F4 1524 Long jump status register AREAS $05F5-065D 1525-1629 RAM areas for banking ASPECH $065E-06EB 1630-1771 RAM area for speech STKTOP $06EC-07AF 1772-1967 BASIC run-time stack WROUT $07B0 1968 Byte to be written on tape PARITY $07B1 1969 Temp for parity calc TT1 $07B2 1970 Temp for write-header TT2 $07B3 1971 Temp for write-header RDBITS $07B5 1973 Local index for READBYTE routine ERRSP $07B6 1974 Pointer into the error stack FPERRS $07B7 1975 Number of first pass errors DSAMP1 $07B8-07B9 1976-1977 Time constant DSAMP2 $07BA-07BB 1978-1979 Time constant ZCELL $07BC-07BD 1980-1981 Time constant SRECOV $07BE 1982 Stack marker for stopkey recover DRECOV $07BF 1983 Stack marker for dropkey recover TRSAVE $07C0-07C3 1984-1987 params passed to RDBLOK RDETMP $07C4 1988 Temp stat save for RDBLOK LDRSCN $07C5 1989 # consec shorts to find in leader CDERRM $07C6 1990 # Errors fatal in RD countdown VSAVE $07C7 1991 Temp for Verify command T1PIPE $07C8-a7CB 1992-1995 Pipe temp for T1 ENEXT $07CC 1996 Read error propagate FOR RS-232 UOUTQ $07CD 1997 User chracter to send UOUTFG $07CE 1998 0 = empty ; 1 = full SOUT9 $07CF 1999 System character to send SOUNFG $07D0 2000 0 = empty ; 1 = full INOFPT $07D1 2001 Pntr to front of input queue INQRPT $07D2 2002 Pntr to rear of input queue INQCNT $07D3 2003 # of chars in input queue ASTAT $07D4 2004 Temp status for ACIA AINTMP $07D5 2005 Temp for input routine ALSTOP $07D6 2006 FLG for local pause ARSTOP $07D7 2007 FLG for remote pause APRES $07D8 2008 FLG to indicate presence of ACIA RLUDES $07D9-07E4 2009-2020 Indirect routine downloaded SCBOT $07E5 2021 Screen bottom (0...24) SCTOP $07E6 2022 Screen top SCLF $07E7 2023 Screen left (0...39) SCRT $07E8 2024 Screen right SCRDIS $07E9 2025 Negative = scroll out INSFLG $07EA 2026 Insert mode: FF = on, 00 = off LSTCHR $07EB 2027 LOGSCR $07EC 2028 TCOLOR $07ED 2029 BITABL $07EE-07F1 2030-2033 SAREG $07F2 2034 Registers for SYS command SXREG $07F3 2035 SYREG $07F4 2036 SPREG $07F5 2037 LSTX $07F6 2038 Key scan index STPDSB $07F7 2039 Flag to disable CTRL-S pause RAMROM $07F8 2040 MSB for monitor fetches from ROM=0;RAM=1 COLSW $07F9 2041 MSB for color/lim table in RAM=0;ROM=1 FFRMSK $07FA 2042 ROM mask for split screen VMBMSK $07FB 2043 VM base mask for split screen LSEM $07FC 2044 Motor lock semaphore for cassette PALCNT $07FD 2045 PAL tod TEDATR $0800-0BFF 2048-3071 TED attribute bytes TEDSCN $0C00-0FFF 3072-4095 TED character pointers BASBGN $1000- 4096- Start of BASIC text area BMLUM $1800-1BFF 6144-7167 Luminance for bit map screen BMCOLR $1C00-1FFF 7168-8191 Color for bit map Commodore 16 and plus/4 Memory Configuration $0000 System memory $0800 Color memory (Text) $0C00 Video matrix (Text) $1000 Beginning of BASIC RAM (without graphics) $1800 Luminance (Graphics) $1C00 Colour table (Graphics) $2000 Graphics screen data $4000 Beginning of BASIC RAM (with graphics) $8000 ROM BANK LOW (BASIC) $C000 BASIC expansions $D000 Character table $D800 Operating system $FC00 Routines for switching banks $FD00 End of BASIC RAM, I/O area According to the schematics diagram, $FD00-$FF3F contains the following, regardless of the RAM/ROM banking configuration: $FD00-FD0F: 6551 ACIA (for the RS232, only on the +4. 4 registers.) $FD10-FD1F: 6529B (1 register, drives 8 I/O-lines on the +4 user port) $FD30-FD3F: 6529B (1 register, keyboard scan. The other 8 lines come from TED) $FF00: TED (registers shown below) $FF40: ROM 0 Timer 1 low 1 Timer 1 high 2 Timer 2 low 3 Timer 2 high 4 Timer 3 low 5 Timer 3 high 6 Test ECM BMM Blank Rows Y2 Y1 Y0 7 RVS off PAL Freeze MCM Columns X2 X1 X0 8 Keyboard Latch 9 IRQ I-T3 - I-T2 I-T1 I-LP I-RAS - A - EI-T3 - EI-T2 EI-T1 EI-LP EI-RAS RC8 B RC7 RC6 RC5 RC4 RC3 RC2 RC1 RC0 C - - - - - - C9 CUR8 D CUR7 CUR6 CUR5 CUR4 CUR3 CUR2 CUR1 CUR0 E SND1-7 SND1-6 SND1-5 SND1-4 SND1-3 SND1-2 SND1-1 SND1-0 F SND2-7 SND2-6 SND2-5 SND2-4 SND2-3 SND2-2 SND2-1 SND2-0 10 - - - - - - SND2-9 SND2-8 11 SND-REL Noise V2-SEL V1-SEL VOL3 VOL2 VOL1 VOL0 12 - - BMB2 BMB1 BMB0 R-Bank S1-9 S1-8 13 CB5 CB4 CB3 CB2 CB1 CB0 SCLOCK Status 14 VM4 VM3 VM2 VM1 VM0 - - - 15 - LUM2 LUM1 LUM0 COLOR3 COLOR2 COLOR1 COLOR0 16 - LUM2 LUM1 LUM0 COLOR3 COLOR2 COLOR1 COLOR0 17 - LUM2 LUM1 LUM0 COLOR3 COLOR2 COLOR1 COLOR0 18 - LUM2 LUM1 LUM0 COLOR3 COLOR2 COLOR1 COLOR0 19 - LUM2 LUM1 LUM0 COLOR3 COLOR2 COLOR1 COLOR0 1A - - - - - - BRE9 BRE8 1B BRE7 BRE6 BRE5 BRE4 BRE3 BRE2 BRE1 BRE0 1C - - - - - - - VL8 1D VL7 VL6 VL5 VL4 VL3 VL2 VL1 VL0 1E H8 H7 H6 H5 H4 H3 H2 H1 1F - BL3 BL2 BL1 BL0 VSUB2 VSUB1 VSUB0 3E Write switches on ROM bank 3F Write switches on RAM bank $FF0E 65294 Voice #1 frequency, bits 0-7 $FF0F 65295 Voice #2 frequency, bits 0-7 $FF10 65296 Voice #2 frequency, bits 8 & 9 (bit 0 is bit 8, bit 1 is bit 9) $FF11 65297 Bits 0-3 : Volume control Bit 4 : Voice #1 select Bit 5 : Voice #2 select Bit 6 : Voice #2 noise select Bit 7 : Sound reload $FF12 65298 Bit 0-1 : Voice #1 frequency, bits 8 & 9 Bit 2 : TED data fetch ROM/RAM select Bits 0-5 : Bit map base address $FF13 65299 Bit 0 : Clock status Bit 1 : Set single clock Bits 2-7 : Character data base address $FF14 65309 Bits 3-7 : Video matrix/color memory base address $FF15 65301 Background color register Bits 0-3 : Color Bits 4-6 : Luminance $FF16 65302 Color register #1 Bits 0-3 : Color Bits 4-6 : Luminance $FF17 65303 Color register #2 Bits 0-3 : Color Bits 4-6 : Luminance $FF18 65304 Color registes #3 Bits 0-3 : Color Bits 4-6 : Luminance $FF19 65305 Color register #4 Bits 0-3 : Color Bits 4-6 : Luminance $FF1A 65306 Bit map reload $FF1B 65307 Bit map reload $FF1C 65308 Bit 0 : Vertical line bit 8 $FF1D 65309 Bits 0-7 : Vertical line bits 0-7 $FF1E 65310 Horizontal position $FF1F 65311 Blink, vertical sub address $FF3E 65342 ROM select $FF3F 65343 RAM select BANKING JUMP TABLE $FCF1 64753 JMP to cartridge IRQ routine $FCF4 64756 JMP to PHOENIX routine $FCF7 64759 JMP to LONG FETCH routine $FCFA 64762 JMP to LONG JUMP routine $FCFD 64765 JMP to LONG IRQ routine UNOFFICIAL JUMP TABLE $FF49 65353 JMP to define function key routine $FF4C 65356 JMP to PRINT routine $FF4F 65359 JMP to PRIMM routine $FF52 65362 JMP to ENTRY routine $FF80 65408 RELEASE # OF KERNAL (MSB: 0 = NTSC ; 1 = PAL) KERNAL JUMP TABLE ; NAME ADDRESS DESCRIPTION ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CINT $FF81 65409 Initialize screen editor IOINIT $FF84 65412 Initialize I/O devices RAMTAS $FF87 65415 Ram test RESTOR $FF8A 65418 Restore vectors to initial values VECTOR $FF8D 65421 Change vectors for user SETMSG $FF90 65424 Control O.S. messages SECND $FF93 65427 Send SA after LISTEN TKSA $FF96 65430 Send SA after TALK MEMTOP $FF99 65433 Set/Read top of memory MEMBOT $FF9C 65436 Set/Read bottom of memory SCNKEY $FF9F 65439 Scan keyboard SETTMO $FFA2 65442 Set timeout in DMA disk ACPTR $FFA5 65445 Handshake serial bus or DMA disk byte in CIoUT $FFA8 65448 Handshake serial bus or DMA disk byte out UNTLR $FFAB 65451 Send UNTALK out serial bus or DMA disk UNLSN $FFAE 65454 Send UNLISTEN out serial bus or DMA disk LISTN $FFB1 65457 Send LISTEN out serial bus or DMA disk TALK $FFB4 65460 Send TALK out serial bus or DMA disk READSS $FFB7 65463 Return I/O STATUS byte SETLFS SEF8A 65466 Set LA, FA, SA SETNAM $FFBD 65469 Set length and FN address OPEN $FFC0 65472 Open logical file CLOSE $FFC3 65475 Close logical file CHKIN $FFC6 65478 Open channel in CHOUT $FEC9 65481 open channel out CLRCH $FECC 65484 Close I/O channels 8ASIN $FFCF 65487 Input from channel BSOUT $FFD2 65490 output to channel LOADSP $FFD5 65493 Load from file SAYESP $FFD8 65496 Save to file SETTIM $FFDB 65499 Set internal clock RDTIM $FFDE 65502 Read internal clock STOP $FFE1 6S50S Scan STOP key GETIN $FFE4 65508 Get character from queue CLALL $FFE7 65511 Close all files UDTIM $FFEA 65514 Increment clock SCRORG $FFED 65517 Screen org. PLOT $FFF0 65520 Read/Set X,Y coord of cursor IOBASE $FFF3 65523 Return location of start of I/O
    ---- END OF TEXT ----

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