There I sat, 25 hours a day, maintaining a web site, scanning all kinds of things with a camcorder & PAL Vidi Amiga digitizer, making sure the world kept on ticking. At a blazing rate of 33.6Kbps I engaged in massive file transfers, voice communications at a whopping 6 Khz over TCP/IP, and spent endless hours on IRC and fussing with my TCP/IP clients.
The World Command Center of that day contained the following,
always ready for power-up at the flick of a switch:
Amiga 1200, 50Mhz 030 w/FPU. 32 + 2 MB RAM, Squirrel SCSI, 200 MB HDD,
Multi-partition, Boots as OS 1.3, 3,0, As a Macintosh, Internet, etc.
Thompson 4120 monitor, CTX VGA/RGB, Amiga 1080 monitor. Amiga2000,
Kick 1.3, 512K chip 8.5MB Fast. GVP Impact II SCSI/RAM, 40+ MB ST157N
HD. Dual Floppy, 8088 Bridgeboard w/ FPU & 5.25 Floppy. A-MaxII+ board
w/4.0 upgrade 1084S monitor 2 Amiga 500's 1 NTSC/1MB, 1 PAL, 2.5MB 2 CDTVs
(A500-CD) 1MB Chip only, mouse, Remote controller, genlock on one of my 2 CDTVs.
Music, CD-ROM based stuff, etc. Mac Plus, Upgraded from a Mac 512.
External 800K FDD, Imagewriter II. RAMSnap hardware upgrade (128K ROM, 512K
RAM, 800K FDD, SCSI). System 6, Hypercard 1.2, 20MB HD, 2 partitions. Will
use my ZIP 100 off switchbox too. Apple 1200 BPS modem by USRobotics. traded
for 2MB A600HD. I wanted a mac for A-Max testing. Wanted an SE or SE30 or
better though. 1MB is not enough. Edit Hypercard documents on A1200, run
on the Plus... SCSI DEVICES: New! 2 RENO 2x SCSI-II CD-ROMs that double as
diskman's (So I can use tham at home as CD-ROMs AND at work as an audio
CD-player, too!!!) IOMEGA ZIP drive, through a 4-way switchbox, Settings
or Amiga 1200, Amiga 2000, Mac Plus, Mac IIci? (Gutted) Home brew 1X SCSI
CD-ROM ShinaKen CD in C= SFD 100i case/PSU (Going inside the A2000?)
Other Devices included: - Star 2410, 24 pin Printer. - HITACHI Multisystem VCR.
- OLD Pioneer Amp, from back when they made them right, such a deal! picked up REAL cheap!
I only had to clean switches. That's all. - Vidi Amiga, PAL v1.14, VidiChrome,
PAL v1.__12? Video digitizer - Mastersound Audio Digitizer (Shapeshifter,
AmiPhone, & Sampling) - Home Built J-Net Amiga to 64 interface - Home
Built Amiga PARNET interface (2) 1 cable, 1 jumper box ...And the all ESSENTIAL
Fan....Ahhhhhh.... ...not to mention the old C= 8 bitters; 128, 2 64Cs, 64s,
SX-64, 2 Plus/4's, ViC= 20, T/S 1000s, and the Turbo XT & Turbo XT laptop...
And then, of course, there's the Present
Configuration of the World Command Center...